Monday, March 21, 2011

The Phantom of the Opera: Interviewing Lydia

When Lydia finished reading the book, "The Phantom of the Opera", I asked her three questions to assess what she had learned. She gave oral and written answers. What I've posted here were her written answers. I was impressed by her brief yet meaningful answers.

Mr. Jay: Did you enjoy reading the book, The Phantom of the Opera?

Lydia: Yes, because it was exciting. It had lots of action and some romance.

Mr Jay: What is the story all about?

Lydia: The story is about “The Phantom of the Opera” by the name of Erik, who wants to steal Christine’s voice and heart. Christine has a lover called Raoul, who wants to win her heart and will do everything to win her heart.

Mr. Jay: For you, what is the most interesting part of the story?

Lydia: For me, the most interesting part of the story is when Christine needed to choose between saving Raoul and giving herself up to Erik.


  1. I'm glad that Lydia enjoyed reading the book. I liked the way she summarized the story and the most interesting part of the story for her.
